District Event

Event Information

  • Date: 2 August, 2024
  • Time: 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Location: District Office (Milwaukee, WI)


Kim Marxhausen has taught in LCMS Lutheran schools for more than 25 years, until God led her to begin a PhD program in Educational Psychology. She currently teaches and learns at the University of Nebraska/Lincoln and at Concordia University/Nebraska. Her ministry involves supporting teachers and parents. She speaks on issues of faith and emotional literacy and effecting change in the learning community. She has written a parenting newsletter for many years and has published teacher resource books on science and art.


Neurodiversity and Emotional Coping: Neurodiversity describes brains that work differently. Experience tells us that neurodiversity is on the rise, and with it comes the need to help students cope with the emotional issues that stem from the anxiety of learning and thinking differently from peers and teachers. This session will give an understanding of the components of neurodiversity and the impact of anxiety on education and social skill development. It will also cover ways to identify anxiety and teach all students healthy coping skills.

Understanding and Supporting Parents: Each generation is shaped by the world and experiences from the years they matured. This can create differences in understanding and priorities between teaching staff and young parents. This session will examine the lived experience and characteristics of Gen Z parents to discover the best ways to support them and their children. A critical factor in this support is to develop relationships with the parents and encourage healthy relationships with their children.

Hands-on Activity: Build a "Blessings Basket" to take back to your school or center.

$50 (includes snacks, speaker, lunch, basket supplies and 5 registry hours)

Register by Monday, July 22